SmartUI Alerts

HTML Output (Run Time: 0.0000s)

<div class="progress left progress-md " >
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info " style="width: 33%"></div>
<div class="progress left progress-micro " >
    <div class="progress-bar bg-color-greenLight" style="width: 60%"></div>
<div class="progress left progress-striped progress-sm " >
    <div class="progress-bar bg-color-redLight" style="width: 20%"></div>
<div class="progress right progress-striped active progress-md " rel="tooltip" data-original-title="This is tooltip" data-placement="top" >
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-danger" style="width: 55.5%"></div>
<div class="progress left progress-md " >
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" data-transitiongoal="21"></div>
<div class="progress vertical left progress-md " >
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary" data-transitiongoal="80"></div>
<div class="progress vertical bottom progress-md " >
    <div class="progress-bar bg-color-redLight" data-transitiongoal="80"></div>
<div class="progress left progress-striped active progress-sm" rel="tooltip" data-original-title="Stacked Progress" data-placement="top">
    <div class="progress-bar bg-color-redLight" style="width: 80%"></div>
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-info" style="width: 55%"></div>
    <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width: 33%"></div>


Print a single Progress Bar. You can see full HTML documentation here

SmartUI::print_progress($value [, $type = '', $options = array(), $return = false]);


SmartUI::print_progress(55, 'success');


info, success, danger, warning


Options available to configure your progress bar

$options_map = array(
    'transitional' => false,
    'class' => array(),
    'attr' => array(),
    'background' => '',
    'tooltip' => array(),
    'position' => 'left', // left, right, bottom (for vertical)
    'wide' => false,
    'size' => 'md', // sm, xs, md, xl, micro
    'striped' => false, // true or 'active'
    'vertical' => false


redLight, greenLight, etc. Check out bg-color-* here


A boolean or the string "active" (will set to active stripped progress bar)

$options = array('striped' => 'active');


Print a stacked Progress Bar. You can see full HTML documentation here

SmartUI::print_stack_progress($progress_bars [, $base_options = array(), $return = false])


$progress_bars = array();
$progress_bars[] = SmartUI::get_progress(80, '', array('background' => 'redLight'));
$progress_bars[] = SmartUI::get_progress(55, 'info');
$progress_bars[] = SmartUI::get_progress(33, 'success');
SmartUI::print_stack_progress($progress_bars, array('size' => 'sm', 'tooltip' => 'Stacked Progress'), true);


An array of progress bar HTML. You can get a progress bar HTML suing SmartUI::get_progress($value [, $type = '', $options = array()]) function

// initiate an array for progress bars
$progress_bars = array(); 

// get progress bar #1
$progress_bar = SmartUI::get_progress(80, '', array('background' => 'redLight'));
// and so on ...


Available options for the progress bar parent

$options_map = array(
    'tooltip' => array(),
    'position' => 'left', // left, right, bottom (for vertical)
    'wide' => false,
    'size' => 'md', // sm, xs, md, xl, micro
    'striped' => false, // true or 'active'
    'vertical' => false